My name is Caroline Johnson. I’m an actress, director, model, and writer.

I’m currently available for new projects.

I’m based in Washington, DC.

As I earned master’s degrees from King’s College London and Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, I spent several years making work in London. I am a classically trained actress with academic and personal roots in oral tradition— I am fascinated by stories: the fairytales we use to explain ourselves, the folktales that remind us where we come from, the stories we weave from our own experiences that tell the world who we are.

Pomegranate Room

I am a founding co-artistic director of this digital theatre company. Its mission to create, produce and nurture theatre that is thought-provoking, playful, and which amplifies otherwise marginalized voices is one of which I am very proud.


Actress, Assistant Director, etc.

Over the course of my DC career, I have worn many hats. As an actress, I have worked predominantly with Early Modern texts; as an assistant director, with 20th century expressionist scripts; and on modern/new work as a model, scenic artist, stage manager, and producer.


Today, my work is still informed by my love of folklore and oral tradition. It is further activated by my belief that, as Ira Glass once put it, stories ‘make us less crazy’ and that everyone should have theatre in which they see themselves represented. I’m also working on a stage adaptation of my favorite Brontë novel.


Photography by Teresa Castracane and DJ Corey.